Content Posted in 2020
Alex Hoffmann, University of Washington medical student, Aaron P. Putzke
Athletic Training Student Perspectives on Spirituality and Spiritual Care in Clinical Practice: A Pilot Study, Cynthia J. Wright and Michael J. Ediger
Ben McFarland, Professor of Biochemistry, Seattle Pacific University, Aaron P. Putzke
Commentary on International Experience Opportunities for Athletic Training Students: A Perspective from the National Athletic Trainers' Association International Committee, Cynthia J. Wright
David Mitchell, World Vision, Aaron P. Putzke
Doug Boeschen, General Manager, Boeschen Vineyards, Aaron P. Putzke
Erica Salkin, Associate Professor of Communications Studies, Whitworth University, Aaron P. Putzke
Ethan Broga, partner at Empirical Wealth Management, Aaron P. Putzke
Gretchen Schock, Bee Yoga Fusion, Aaron P. Putzke
Historia literaria hispanoamericana, Hannah Fookes, Estela González, James Kile, Megan Miles, Khristian Paul, Lauren Sagvold, Meg Short, Cilicia Stachowiak, Victoria Tochinskaya, and Molly Wollschleger
Human Embodiment and Christian Worship: God's Revelation Through the Human Body ih Scripture, Theology, and Liturgy, Carter J. C. Stepper
Jacqueline vanWormer, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Whitworth University, Aaron P. Putzke
John Hughes, Director of Advance Pricing and Mutual Agreement, Internal Revenue Service, Aaron P. Putzke
Last Rites: Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman, Charles Andrews
Pedagogy and Gospel Epistemology in the LIterature Classroom, Katherine Karr-Cornejo
Spokane Intercollegiate Research Conference 2018, Whitworth University
Theopoetics and the Crazy Women of Gabriela Mistral, Katherine Karr-Cornejo
The Story of Peter: Faith, Justin Martin and Earnest Graham III
This Whitworth Life: Whitworth's Untold Stories 2019
This Whitworth Life: Whitworth's Untold Stories 2020
Wobble-Board Balance Intervention to Decrease Symptoms and Prevent Reinjury in Athletes With Chronic Ankle Instability: An Exploration Case Series, Cynthia J. Wright, Stacey L. Nauman, and Jon C. Bosh