Historia literaria hispanoamericana
Document Type
Publication Date
Fall 2019
This timeline was created by students in Spanish American Literature 1 (SN 403W) in Fall 2019 with Dr. Katherine Karr-Cornejo. This is a timeline of Spanish American literary history from pre-Conquest indigenous societies through 1900. It contains overview sections and sample works for each section. Its goal is to make legible to viewers a map of a culture and its artifacts.
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Fookes, Hannah; González, Estela; Kile, James; Miles, Megan; Paul, Khristian; Sagvold, Lauren; Short, Meg; Stachowiak, Cilicia; Tochinskaya, Victoria; and Wollschleger, Molly
"Historia literaria hispanoamericana" Whitworth University (2019). World Languages and Cultures Student Scholarship.
Paper 1.