Wobble-Board Balance Intervention to Decrease Symptoms and Prevent Reinjury in Athletes With Chronic Ankle Instability: An Exploration Case Series
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Peer Reviewed Article
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Controlled research has shown that a single-exercise wobble-board intervention is effective at reducing symptoms and increasing function in patients with chronic ankle instability. However, the effectiveness of this protocol has not been documented in a realistic intercollegiate athletics environment. Eight intercollegiate athletes with chronic ankle instability participated in an 8-week (3 sessions/wk) wobble-board intervention. In a realistic environment, this simple intervention was feasible to implement and resulted in meaningful improvements in patient-reported stability for more than half of the patients (5 of 8) but only improved the global rating of function and pain for a minority of the patients (2 of 8 and 3 of 8, respectively). Not all patients experienced equal symptom reduction; however, no new ankle sprains occurred during the intervention.
Recommended Citation
Wright CJ, Nauman SL, Bosh JC. Wobble-board balance intervention to decrease symptoms and prevent reinjury in athletes with chronic ankle instability: An exploration case series. Journal of Athletic Training. 2020; 55(1): 42-48.