Exploring temperature-dependent variation in development time using the model organism Callosobruchus maculatus (bean beetle)
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As global climate change is predicted to lead to substantial increases in temperature, tractable experiments to demonstrate the importance of temperature on biological systems are becoming increasingly important. This experiment includes monitoring the duration of bean beetle embryogenesis at various constant temperatures and testing for significant differences under different temperatures.
This laboratory exercise is published by the Bean Beetle Curriculum Development Network, edited by Christopher Beck (Emory University) and Lawrence Blumer (Morehouse College).
Recommended Citation
2Putzke, A., Yurk, B. (2012). Exploring temperature-dependent variation in development time using the model organism Callosobruchus maculatus (bean beetle), laboratory exercise. Bean Beetle Curriculum Development Network. Available from http://www.beanbeetles.org/protocols/temp_development/synopsis.html.