Alternating Quantum Walks
Faculty Sponsor
Frank Lynch, Eastern Washington University
Research Project Abstract
Quantum walks are a powerful tool for developing efficient algorithms in quantum computing. This research explores two discrete-time one-dimensional quantum walks where the coin operator varies along even and odd positions on the line. We find closed-form expressions for the coefficients of the wave function for both walks and also arrive at a formula for the probability distribution for one of the walks. A significant discovery is a way to model the well-known Hadamard walk using two alternating coins.
Session Number
Robinson 310
Abstract Number
Alternating Quantum Walks
Robinson 310
Quantum walks are a powerful tool for developing efficient algorithms in quantum computing. This research explores two discrete-time one-dimensional quantum walks where the coin operator varies along even and odd positions on the line. We find closed-form expressions for the coefficients of the wave function for both walks and also arrive at a formula for the probability distribution for one of the walks. A significant discovery is a way to model the well-known Hadamard walk using two alternating coins.