The Dancing Spokane River: Teaching Science through the Language of Dance
Faculty Sponsor
Suzanne Ostersmith, Gonzaga University
Research Project Abstract
The Dancing Spokane River is a student-produced, dance-based production touring to K-6 schools in the Inland Northwest. This interactive performance teaches audiences about natural and renewable energy resources, ecosystem dynamics, and our own interactions with the Spokane River through movement and narration. In this presentation I will take the time to share my inspiration for this project, my processes and experience in research and development, and the success of the production thus far. We will also share an excerpt from the thirty-minute, interactive show.
Session Number
Hixon Union Building MPR
Abstract Number
The Dancing Spokane River: Teaching Science through the Language of Dance
Hixon Union Building MPR
The Dancing Spokane River is a student-produced, dance-based production touring to K-6 schools in the Inland Northwest. This interactive performance teaches audiences about natural and renewable energy resources, ecosystem dynamics, and our own interactions with the Spokane River through movement and narration. In this presentation I will take the time to share my inspiration for this project, my processes and experience in research and development, and the success of the production thus far. We will also share an excerpt from the thirty-minute, interactive show.