From Annapurna to Seven Summits: Literature's Influence on Me and on the Sport of Mountaineering
World-renowned mountaineer John Roskelley presents a lecture on mountaineering literature and its impact on the sport of mountaineering. Known for his remarkable ascents of 7,000-‐8,000 meter peaks in India, Pakistan and Nepal. Roskelley is one of only six climbers in the world, and the only American, to have received the pres1gious Piolet d’Or (Golden Ice Axe) Lifetme Achievement Award.
This lecture celebrates the establishment of the William C. Fix Mountaineering Collection.
Publication Date
English Language and Literature | Nonfiction
Recommended Citation
Roskelley, John
"From Annapurna to Seven Summits: Literature's Influence on Me and on the Sport of Mountaineering" Whitworth University (2015). Lectures.
Paper 2.