Customized Noise-Stimulation Intensity for Bipedal Stability and Unipedal Balance Deficits Associated With Functional Ankle Instability
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Stochastic resonance stimulation (SRS) administered at an optimal intensity could maximize the effects of treatment on balance. The objective of this study is to determine if a customized optimal SRS intensity is better than a traditional SRS protocol applying the same percentage sensory threshold intensity for all participants for improving double- and single-legged balance in participants with or without functional ankle instability (FAI). The authors examined double- and single-legged balance tests, comparing optimal SRS (SRS^sub opt1^) and SRS^sub 0^ using a battery of center-of-pressure measures in the frontal and sagittal planes. Data were organized into bins that represented optimal (SRS^sub opt1^), second (SRS^sub opt2^), third (SRS^sub opt3^), and fourth (SRS^sub opt4^) improvement over SRS^sub 0^. The SRS^sub opt1^ improved double-legged balance and transfers to enhancing single-legged balance deficits associated with FAI.
Recommended Citation
Ross SE, Linens SW, Wright CJ, & Arnold, BL. Customized noise-stimulation intensity for bipedal stability enhances single leg balance deficits in functional ankle instability. Journal of Athletic Training, 2013:48(4):463-470.